The annual prize giving ceremony of our school
Our school arranges a prize giving ceremony in our school every year. On this day, the best boys of every class and the students who do well in various games of spots and cultural activities get prizes.
The prize giving ceremony is very encouraging to all the students. This day inspires the students to become serious in their studies as well as in their
extracurricular activities.
Generally, the prize giving ceremony in our school is held in the month of February. The last prize giving ceremony of our school is still very fresh in my memory. A day was fixed and the DC of our district himself had consented to preside over the function. We had decorated our school premises with flowers and festoons.
By 3 pm the invited guests began to come in. The president
arrived at 4 pm and was accorded guard of honor by the BNCC of
our school. The guardians of the students took their seats in the
rows allotted for them.
Gradually, the back seats and side spaces were crowded by the
students who were in the merriest mood. The proceedings began
with Quran Telawat and then with the singing of our national
anthem. The headmaster then read out the annual report of our
school. He also recalled the progress of our school made in the
past years, the achievements of our present and ex-students in
various fields of activities.
Then the main ceremony began. The headmaster called each
recipient of prize by name, announced the subject in which the
award was made and the place of honor he occupied. The
sportsmen, I could see, were the most popular. When the prizes
were awarded,  the cheering was loud enough to be heard from a
long distance.
Finally, the president rose to speak. He congratulated the institution,
the teachers, the students, and, in fact, everybody for the good
works done in the past year.
With the complimentary speech of the president and with the
Customary vote to thanks to the school authority and organizers.
the function came to a close.

Population problem

Population is an asset to a country when she can turn it into a useful manpower and provide them with all basic necessities. But it becomes a problem for a country when she fails to provide them with employment opportunity and the basic needs of life.
Bangladesh is an over-populated country. She is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. The density of population in our country is about 850 per square kilometer. The present growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 1.8. Now, over-population is a great problem for our country.
Population boom is destroying all the efforts for our development. Our population is increasing on but the land is fixed. Other facilities for living are not increasing. So, the problems of shelter, food, clothing, medical treatment, housing, education, entertainment, etc are increasing. It also causes various disturbances in the society. Because of it, everything becomes difficult. So, various socio-economic and political problems are created for population explosion in Bangladesh.
We must come forward to control our population. We should adopt family planning measures effectively. Each family must live in a planned way. No family should have more then two children. Early marriage and polygamy must be banned.
Most of the people of our country are farmers. They are not educated. They want to have more sons then daughters. They think that their sons will help them. This wrong idea should be removed to control population. Our people living in rural areas are religiously fanatic. To control population, fanaticism must be removed as early as possible. Therefore, education of the masses is a must.
The government alone cannot solve this problem. Educated people of the society must play an important role in this respect. If we can check our population, we can develop our country day by day.

Duties of a student

Student is the most useful and valuable period in a man’s life. This is the time when the seeds of future life are sown. For this, it is called the sowing season in our life. During this period a student has to do certain things to be successful and happy in his future life.
The principal duty of a student is to study and acquire knowledge on various things. He must study according to a routine. He has to be attentive to his studies and teachers. He should also read newspapers, magazines, literature, history etc.
A student should remember that character is a crown of  a man. So he has to cultivate good manners and other noble virtues. All moral qualities like honesty, modesty, truthfulness, disciplines, perseverance, sincerity must be acquired during this time.
He should also render some services to his society and country. He should make the illiterate literate. He can make the farmers aware of the modern methods of cultivation. In population control, he can play an important role.
A student must obey and honor his parents. When they are sick, helpless or old, he must serve them. He should also be obedient to his teachers and other superiors.
A student must not waste his time and energy. So he must possess a sound health by taking regular physical exercise, taking part in games and sports. Moreover, he must always avoid evil company.

Besides, a student may have the knowledge of politics but he must not take part in active politics. It is because many political parties and their unethical leaders use them only for their selfish interest.
In case of national emergencies like floods, tornadoes, storms, etc he must not sit idle. He must attend his helping hands during these times.

To reap the good and expected harvest of success in future, a student must sow good seeds during his student life. Otherwise it will bring him utter failure, untold sorrows, miseries and repentance.