The annual prize giving , Population problem , Duties of a student

The annual prize giving ceremony of our school
Our school arranges a prize giving ceremony in our school every year. On this day, the best boys of every class and the students who do well in various games of spots and cultural activities get prizes.
The prize giving ceremony is very encouraging to all the students. This day inspires the students to become serious in their studies as well as in their

Fruits of Bangladesh, TV & Childhood

The fruits of Bangladesh

Banglsdesh is rich in various types of fruit. Many kinds of fruits are available here. Among them, the orange, the mango, the lichi, the jack fruit, the guava are the most common their size, color and taste are different. But they all are nutritious . Most of these are seasonal fruits.
There are many kinds of summer fruits. Among . The mango, the jack fruit are very common. These fruits are very tasty to eat and the flavor is very sweet. The mango is called the king of all. The jack fruit is a large kind